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Almost 5 stars ***** on Eventim Fan-reports
News, Press Reviews Woodstock the Story
Wow, almost 5 stars on the Fan-Reports on! Danke! Read and post your reviews here: Eventim Fan-Reports Woodstock the Story Unbedingt anschauen! von Ebert, 24.01.17 Wer die Musik aus der Woodstock Zeit mag ist hier genau richtig, die Band und vorallem die Sänger sind unglaublich!!!!! Und auch der Rahmen ist liebevoll gestaltet, man erlebt einen […]
Germany, reviewWoodstock the Story on NDR
News, Press Reviews, Uncategorized Woodstock the Story
‘Drei Tage Liebe, Frieden und Rock ‘n’ Roll: Woodstock war der Höhepunkt der Hippie-Bewegung. Acht Musiker brachten das Lebensgefühl nun in die Lübecker MuK.’ Concert 21/1/2017, Lübeck. LINK NDR
Echternach 22/1/17
News Woodstock the Story
Echternach! The final performance of the first week of our tour. Six days in a row – with a lot of traveling – was quite heavy for all our performers. So on our final day in Echternach, we had to improvise a bit, but the atmosphere was superb. And it’s a beautiful town. Photo will […]
Lübeck 21/1/2017
News Woodstock the Story
Lübeck, tonight was magic! Beautiful town, super venue and such a great atmosphere. Tonight the NDR made recordings- we don’t exactly know when this will air, probably Tuesday. Definitely coming back here! Lübeck see you next year! Now on the road to… Echternach (L). Long, long drive… but Klaus, our bus driver, is the best!
Cloppenburg 20/1/17
News Woodstock the StoryVideo: Impression ALSDORF 17-1-2017, quotes,
News, Press Reviews Woodstock the StoryFürth 19/1/17
News Woodstock the Story
Day 3 in our tour: Fürth. After a nice drive from Stuttgart we arrived early in the morning, in the snow covered town of Fürth. Once again a warm reception, great atmosphere and nice people. We hope to see you again!
Stuttgart 18/01/2017
News Woodstock the Story
Stuttgart, (Oh Lord, would you buy me a Mercedes Benz!) great venue, atmosphere, hospitality once again! Now on the way to Fürth…
First show Alsdorf 17/01/2017!
News Woodstock the Story
Thank you Alsdorf, for taking care of us and the great atmosphere during the show! Our very first in Germany – and you were there 🙂 Hope to see you again. Last night we drove to Stuttgart – und heute Abend geht es los in der Liederhalle! Bis später! ✌🏻☮️❤️